WoW Servers - a community to discuss WoW private servers to New – 38 points –
WoW Private Servers -


Hi! It would be cool to have some discussion about different private servers here on Lemmy. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for the community


Anyone have recommendations on a vanilla server?

I think Turtle is a good bet if you want a vanilla blizz-like experience. Would be a good topic as an open question if you wanted to post on the community

Turtle WoW is the best one i have ever played on.

Hell yeah, I haven't played WoW in ages and reckon a private server would be a good way to get back into it. Subscribed!

Isn’t the entire point of classic to get off p2w private servers that can and do just shut down randomly destroying your progress?

SOM servers seemed like an absolute godsend.

I’ve played since vanilla and even went back and did all of classic again when it first came out again a few years ago. My only private server experiences were not good by any means.

Is there something I’m missing or is it just about saving the monthly sub cost

Yes for some people it is the subscription cost, or not wanting to support Blizzard, or wanting to re-experience an old version of the game as accurately as possible.

There are also those people that like hopping between realms whenever new ones are launched to get the "fresh" experience and don't mind losing an old character when they've done all they've wanted to with it.

I do hope that more of these projects allowed you to export your character data to perhaps use on your own self-run private server. None of the ones I've seen allow you to do that.