Mozilla removes telemetry service Adjust from mobile Firefox versions to – 4 points –
Mozilla removes telemetry service Adjust from mobile Firefox versions

For Android users seeking a privacy-focused browser, Privacy Guides recommends Mull:

Mull is a privacy oriented and deblobbed Android browser based on Firefox. Compared to Firefox, it offers much greater fingerprinting protection out of the box, and disables JavaScript Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation for enhanced security. It also removes all proprietary elements from Firefox, such as replacing Google Play Services references.

Mull enables many features upstreamed by the Tor uplift project using preferences from Arkenfox. Proprietary blobs are removed from Mozilla's code using the scripts developed for Fennec F-Droid.


Why did you add an ad for Mull when your title and article is about Firefox?

Posting an article about something and then using it plug something else alongside it is the kind of deliberate spam mods should be removing, no matter what software they're plugging.

Mull has a lot of weird issues, like being the only mobile browser I tested my website on that used the front camera rather than the back camera.

Mobile version of firefox is kinda sucks compared to other browser with chromium based like chrome, microsoft edge, and kiwi browser.

Personally I'm using kiwi browser as my daily browser because it's support extension feature đź‘Ť

I disagree, as a Firefox mobile daily driver I will confirm it has extensions. Dark mode reader and ublock origin, does one need anything else?

I swapped from uBlock to AdNauseum. It's a fork of uBlock which also "clicks" some specific ads in order to cost companies money for running them lol

the only thing i wish firefox/fennec mobile had was a native tablet ui (like chrome). :/

Are you a bot or just this uninformed?

Firefox has extensions and isn't chromium. Only a fool thinks a Chromium browser will stay friendly to extensions after Manifest 3.

Until Firefox mobile has a functional home button in the toolbar then I don't care what the fuck the do because I won't be using it. Dumb as fuck not to have it.

Safari’s bottom tab bar is the best UX I’ve seen on mobile.

I can achieve most browsers interactions from my thumb without repositioning my hand!

Firefox mobile looks like a dev opened it in an android simulator googled “hi” then checked the box “available for mobile”

P.S. Please give me a reason why you downvote me

You can change the position of the toolbar to the bottom.

Neat! Just gave it a try and it’s much better now, one issue I miss is you can’t swipe (left right) on the address bar to go to the next/prev tab

You can change that as well. :)

Maybe on android but not on iOS

Plus if you don’t have any next tab the swipe creates a new tab instead

Unless you use the synchronization features of Firefox, I think it would be best to use safari on IOS.

At least until they bring their own engine to the OS.

My reasoning: None offer content blocking, you get better fingerprinting protection with safari and you have one less application.