Is there an addon that will load the entire page ? to – 41 points –

You know those websites that load a little bit of the page as you scroll, I want to search the whole thing !

First it would be something that autoscrolls the page without needing me to keep the page down button pressed down for the entire duration, which can be a lot. I want to do other things while this happens

Second, some websites, like facebook, actually UNLOAD from memory the data as you scroll further, defeating the simple scroll down. So, once the first one is done, I would like something that aggregates the entire page and loads it in a static second tab and/or saves it to a single file ?

Is there anything like that, yet ?


Try disabling JavaScript

Nothing loads at all for the websites where this is a problen

Then message the admin of the site. If it doesn't load at all, its a P1 issue (whereas your find issue isn't going to get their attention at all)

and now none of the page will load.

pages that unload their content usually also load it with scripts. especially the parts further down

That’s probably rather difficult because these websites are essentially computer programs that are rendering their content live. It’s like if you got an phone app to detect when another phone app is viewing something that looks like a book or document, and to then automatically make a paginated PDF of that app…

Well, technically if you could simulated a window height of 9999px probably it would trigger a whole page render.

Yes, but in practice the whole list is scrolling by, I'd just like to capture it all in a manner more efficient than a video screen recording