Harris says Trump "disrespected sacred ground" in Arlington campaign ad

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 196 points –

In the end it will be that photo that will stand out. Who in the hell does a thumbs up over some random guys gravestone?

A republican.

Polls says shit is neck and neck.

Harris is 2 - 4 points ahead.

Still within the margin of error tho.

ABC has her at 6 points. That's well outside MOE.

I wasn't aware she had gotten above the MoE, last I knew everyone had her chances squarely in there. Thanks for the info.

When the numbers cut so thin, it's not good to hang your hat on the MOE, which is usually ~3.5%. Rather, be aware that Trump chronically under polls. Guess people don't want to admit they are going to vote for him. Basically, Harris is in good shape in popular and electoral vote.

In a statement, the Army said they warned Trump staffers about federal laws that prohibit any partisan activity on Army installations. NPR reported that one cemetery staffer was pushed aside when she attempted to stop the Trump campaign from filming during their visit on August 26.

This is a man who is unable to comprehend anything other than service to himself,” she wrote.

“Our kids were murdered because of your administration, and you are partly to blame,” Jaclyn Schmitz, mother of late Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, said in one clip.

Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover’s father Darin Hoover shared that his family “asked the Trump team to take the videos” and that the event was “solemn” and respectful.

the event was “solemn” and respectful.

So “solemn” and respectful that it wound up as a Tiktok campaign ad.

and that the event was “solemn” and respectful.

How fucking 'solemn and respectful' is an event where mango Mussolini is giving his brain dead smile and a thumbs up?

I hope people are more respectful to Trump's grave and only shit on it every other day, and solemnly piss on the headstone.