LibreQuake aims to create a completely free Quake alternative compatible with mods to Open – 167 points –
LibreQuake aims to create a completely free Quake alternative compatible with mods

copyright used to only by 14 years plus a one time extention of another 14 years. Since quake 1 was released in 1996, it would be free for all to play with. Imagine being free to play with our own culture without all these work around.

Imagine being free. I can't honestly. Like a fish ,whose entire life was in a bowel, trying to imagine a ocean.

Whose entire life was in a... what?

I mean it would be pretty hard to imagine an ocean if all you knew was bowels

Isn't Quake already open source?

All of the Quake data files remain copyrighted and licensed under the original terms, so you cannot redistribute data from the original game, but if you do a true total conversion, you can create a standalone game based on this code.

As I understand it the engine is Foss but the assets aren’t, like the doom engine vs the doom wad.

Do I understand it right that it's a free replacement of the still copyrighted game assists such as textures and models, and not the code itself? I'm curios if the level design wouldn't also fall into this.

Wait, so there’s multiple engines? Someone explain this to me—if I wanted to play free Quake in the simplest way, what exactly would I need to install?

The Flatpak version comes with Quakespasm engine, so you won't need to worry about the source port.