UK: Labour Party bans words 'genocide' and 'apartheid' from conference

Peter to – 61 points –
UK: Labour Party bans words 'genocide' and 'apartheid' from conference

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By Imran Mulla in Liverpool, United Kingdom Published date: 22 September 2024


Exactly like when FL banned Climate Change. If you can't talk about it, it's not happening... right?

What is with the UK Labour party consistently own-goaling and walking into rakes as soon as they get into power? Y'all just had a landslide victory! Do something with that!

Land slide victory in an election with the lowest voter turn out since 1916. To give context this was war time men weren't home. Corbyn had more votes in the previous election compared to starmer.

I've read some articles in the past on UK forums and media complaining about those "mobile billboard" vans in the UK. We don't have them in the US that I've seen, and at the time, I kind of rolled my eyes and ignored it -- as long as they're not parking and blocking traffic, whatever. However, this image kinda looks like they light up. If they're like big lit-up panels, I'm more sympathetic to the people complaining about them.

You can see those types of sign vehicles in Vegas, especially on the strip, but let's just say they're not for political ads 😜