Long time Linux user feeling burnt out

squarewagon@lemmy.fmhy.ml to Linux@lemmy.ml – 3 points –

Surprising to myself, I have been a Linux user for over 12 years...

Through the many years I have bounced between and tried Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, Arch, Parrot OS, Linux Mint, Manjaro. I have tried Gnome, Cinnamon, XFCE, KDE, Mate, Deepin. And more. I have 3 computers, all using a Linux distro right now.

I love the idea of Linux - free, free as in freedom, free of telemetry. And well, I thought I would never entertain the idea of switching, here I am today, strongly considering Mac OS.

Lately, I have become extremely frustrated and tired of dealing with little bugs, crashes, versions, and dependencies. Not to mention notable UI issues. It is starting to hamper my productivity when working.

Right now I am using Ubuntu and I cannot drag and drop into VS Code from Nautilus, I can't drag and drop from the default archive manager, I am experiencing screen tearing issues, one piece of software I use crashes often but not Debian and vice versa, I have to manually reset screen brightness when it dims after timeout, etc. I have experienced issues of similar nature across all distros I have used and I am becoming burnt out.

I think part of the issue is that there is a huge variety of Linux distros, different combinations of kernels, desktop environments, window managers, package managers, file managers, network managers, etc... Not to mention devices. There is too many variables, and too many projects to maintain.

Sorry for the rant, I have seen many similar posts, but I have been using Linux for over 12 years, powering through, ignoring and working around these issues and I am pretty fed up.

While I am conflicted, I am thinking Mac OS looks like a good middle ground.

Any suggestions? What has been the most stable distro and compatible for you?


I'm actually having the opposite experience (for the most part). All the little papercuts of yesteryear are almost completely gone, and it's only looking better on the horizon. Of course your mileage may vary depending on use case and hardware..

Some things of the top of my head:

  • Flatpak replacing 3rd party PPAs. Brand new software without dependency hell or breaking system packages? Yes please
  • Snaps and AppImages too
  • XDG Portals standards, making snaps and flatpaks play nice with confinement
  • Audio and Bluetooth? It "just works" now
  • Pipewire
  • Even gaming works really well now, with Proton, DXVK etc
  • AMD and Intel drivers baked in to the kernel
  • Wayland finally being production ready for many use-cases, and being adopted as the default, fixing so many of the ancient X11 issues (screen tearing, multiple displays with different scaling, refresh rate, fractional scaling) ( cries in Nvidia )
  • Nvidia finally changing their mind so Wayland on Nvidia can be a thing (I can't wait 😊)
  • KDE Connect / gsConnect phone integration
  • Screensharing on Wayland even on legacy X11 apps becoming a thing through the new screensharing Portal

The only problem I've had recently is Ubuntu's forced snapification, and snap being very rough around the edges for Desktop apps (ahem drag'drop)

You should really try a distro that's actually up to date instead of ubuntu or debian, things are changing rapidly because of wayland, and you might not have a good experience on stable distros until the big transition is done.

What would you recommend here instead? Or rather what are you using for your daily driver?

I'm not the person you commented to but just this month I switched to KDE neon, because I believe I was having issues with some games and Mint's Cinammon WM with constant crashes and freezes. So far everything on Neon has been running great. I like having a bleeding edge GUI on a rock solid, widely compatible base. Neon is basically Ubuntu but tweaked and molded by the KDE people to run KDE to its fullest potential.

I used a Mac once. I tapped with two fingers and didn't get a menu. That was it, can't handle only single click UI on the touchpad

Really? I sure hope that's customizable...

It is in the track pad settings, but everything about using a Mac is grating

For one, I couldn't figure out how to shut it down. I just gave up, opened up the console and typed sudo shutdown -h now because the stupid assistant said "I can't do that, Dave" and refused to shut the computer down

It depends on why you are using FOSS now?

For me its a principle choice of freedom and privacy since 1998, so I cope with the downsites on the desktop as much I can.

That is exactly why I choose to use FOSS including Linux. As much as I want to standby this principle, I have come to a breaking point after dealing with its issues, issues we have all experienced. I believe it is hands down the best choice for server use, but for work and productivity, I need something more matured that is going to work out of the box. I am glad that the community here took this criticism well but I think it's important to discuss and understand that there are still some strides to be made. But at the end of the day, I'm just some guy ranting and who knows, maybe I'll be installing a Linux distro after a month of using Mac OS.

This summer I use Linux on my desktop for 25 years. What do you think the first years looked like? My first laptop took me 3 weeks to get it properly installed with Suse back in 1998. For the last 10 years installing and configuring whatever distro is a piece of cake. Ofcourse soms things are not as you want them to be: the good thing is you can change everything in FOSS, and if it does not excist you can create it. People complaining at Linux Desktop are realy complaining on their own limitations. Don't complain! Not about yourself. Not about the Linux Desktop. Never ever give up! Make your list of whats not working for you. And than work and change until your list is history. Keep your head up strong. You'll never walk alone!


Been trying out Linux mint recently and I haven't had any significant issues with it yet. I do miss some of the the tiling options that I get with windows though. I've been gaming with the steam deck, though I keep around a windows 11 desktop with WSL2 for windows only workflows and some games.

Whenever there's an issue I just RDP into the other machine for what I need, haven't had anything game breaking for me yet

I second Mint with XFCE. I have been using it for a decade and since I'm family tech support guy I installed it on all the PCs I have to support including some used for watching TV and YouTube high end Thinkpads, cheap Laptops used for school. It stays out of my way and just works. Of course there are issues here and there, but it was most solid distro for me. The ease of upgrade is stunning, dealing with Ubuntu servers an upgrade is almost always a new install and data migration, with Mint upgrading feels easy and fun.