Colombian recipe request to Food and – 2 points –

Hi Beehaw! Last week, I made an authentic gumbo with a painstaking dark roux and ate it while watching The Princess and the Frog with my girlfriend. I quite enjoyed cooking a meal that matched the movie and wanted to do a themed dinner again for our next movie, Encanto!

I haven't seen Encanto yet but I'm vaguely aware it's Colombian. Does anyone have suggestions for popular Colombian dishes? I am a hobbyist cook so long and intricate recipes aren't a turn off. I live in Southern California so I have lots of access to Mexican and international markets.

Thanks and looking forward to your suggestions!


Caldo de Costilla is a staple at my house because of how easy it is. Basically a "throw everything into the pot until it tastes good" hangover stew.

Kenji was mentioned; he has a ton of Colombian recipes since his wife is Colombian if I recall correctly. He had a recent video with another really unique and cool looking soup that I haven't gotten around to trying yet:\_Tq8P4

You should take a look at this blog: It is not my blog but I am familiar with colombian cuisine in case you have questions.

Thank you for the site recommendation! What are some iconic/popular dishes in Colombian cuisine? Are there specific regional differences in Colombian cuisine?