links to Beehaw – 9 points –

What's the deal with all these links? All they do is send me to infinite capcha loops. I don't get it.


It's a free service with high cost that's doing a lot for the Internet.

Seems like at the moment there is a bug. I'm sure it's gonna go back to normal soon.

Did just get another top level domain? If that's the case then yeah definitely it's some kind of bug. I hope they get it sorted out. They're definitely one of the good guys.

Never mind two separate things 😣's goal is to archive as much of the Internet as possible for the long term, like most archivists, and is backed by a nonprofit foundation. The "wayback machine" is only one part of what does. has the more modest goal of taking on-demand snapshots of web pages in case they change

Though what I said above applies to both in my opinion.

Example? is a service similar to In some cases you can bypass paywalls by using it. is notorious for their anonymity.

Is that the reason for the excessive capchas?

I don't know. I've never seen a captcha on an link

Good to know. That reinforces what someone else was saying, that it is a bug. Since I've never actually gotten one of the links to work I really don't know precisely what they do but from what I gather I really hope they get it fixed because it sounds like a really cool service.

I think the ISP you use matters a lot. I personally haven’t had issues with it at home, but I was at my parents house the other day and it wouldn’t let me in. Started working immediately when I got home though

Very helpful! Turning on VPN fixed the issue!

Much appreciated!

Important to note: for their anonymity, not yours.

Do you preserve archivers' privacy? E.g. not disclose the source IP address?


But take in mind that when you archive a page, your IP is being sent to the the website you archive as though you are using a proxy (in X-Forwarded-For header). This feature allows websites (e.g shops or the sites with weather forecast) target your region, not mine.

source: FAQ
( is the same as, they have a couple of alternate domains)