NY judge overseeing Trump hush money payments case denies request to recuse himself

kescusay@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 143 points –
NY judge overseeing Trump hush money payments case denies request to recuse himself | CNN Politics

Just want to make one thing clear, here... Trump's lawyers were basically making the argument that it's impossible for anyone but a Republican to be impartial. It's absurd on the face of it, but be prepared to see the MAGA mob embrace the argument that the judge should have recused himself and been replaced with a Republican appointee, as if it's prima facie obvious that no Democratic appointee could possibly oversee a fair trial.

Trump’s lawyers, and especially Trump, called his own 2016 election win “rigged”. He WON and still called it rigged. That’s how full of shit the guy is and proof that he’ll call anything rigged, biased, or whatever in order to look like a victim.

Trump: "How can I get a fair trial from someone who doesn't owe me a huge favor?"

So since it's always projection with Trump, he thinks a republican judge wouldn't be impartial.

Well, it’s probably true that on the face of it, the trump appointed judges can’t be impartial.

They’re just projecting more. As always

The title reads in my head that he made the request to himself to recuse himself, and he denied himself.

Anyway, good, average citizens don’t get to pick their judge, and without a real reason, he shouldn’t either.

If a supreme court judge doesn't have to recuse himself from cases concerning companies whose owner paid for said judge vacations and private jet flights, surely this should be ok too...

All I want for Christmas is for Trump to be thrown into jail overnight on a contempt of court charge.