Christian Selig ( to Reddit – 54 points –
Christian Selig (

Attached: 1 image Well, at least Reddit has admitted their "we're not trying to be like Twitter/Elon" stuff was false


Oh no. Oh, goodness. He literally did just see a caustic dumpster fire plummeting in value and go, "I want to be that one day!"

Does spez know that Twitter is hemorrhaging money?

Spez thought NFT avatars for Reddit was a great idea.

Not sure he knows much lol.

Can't believe people forgot that clusterfuck.

And they fact they eventually gave them away is sad.

So Spaz is trying to be like Elon Fuck? I wonder if they're trying to be as unprofitable as Twatter. They're certainly going about it the right way.

@kosmicpulse on one hand, seeing a 2/3 drop in value and going "that looks awesome, let's do that" is unfathomably dumb. On the other hand, calling yourself out as someone who admires a narcissistic manbaby who killed Twitter worse than Yahoo killed Tumblr is pretty freaking funny.

"Twitter is being evicted from its Colorado office for non-payment of rent since March"

Spez: "Write that down! Write that down! We'll save thousands!"