Joint Appreciation Post

𝔹𝕚𝕫𝕫𝕝𝕖 to – 61 points –

What's your favorite paper? Mine is Raw Black right now but I'm trying to find a thinner one.


OCB Virgin Slims are my go-to. They're not quite as thin as Raw Blacks, but they have less of a taste in my experience. They also don't tear as easily and stick more reliably than Raws. They're not nearly as common as Raw Blacks, but they're a far superior product in my opinion. It's sad they aren't more popular.

OCB's in general have become my go to brand. The gum is better and more consistent than any other brand I've used.

Really in to Raw Black's and can't go back to regulars, but you are spot on about the gum!

I love the King Palm goji wraps. They taste good. They're made of berries. It's neat. I can't traditionally roll to save my life, but I can make goji cones and pack over a gram in them. I gotta get some more flavors.

On the classic side, but I use Job for my spliffs

Job was the first paper I ever bought. I was like 15 and me and my friends rolled up some sage mixed with Captain Black pipe tobacco. I smoked those for years in alleys behind punk shows, getting in trouble with the local constabulary. Good memories 🥲