linking communities

Dharma to – 39 points –

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I'm curious about something. I've seen there's a big debate about multiple communities for similar content on different instances, and whether they should coalesce into a single community or remain as multiple communities. I also saw a post about linking sibling communities with automatic cross posting and stuff. I'll level with y'all, I understand coding about as much as I understand wtf quantum foam is. So I don't know how likely that is, or how easy it would be to implement.

But why couldn't we just link to sister communities in the community sidebar. Like could just have a link to in the sidebar, and vice versa?

I haven't seen any of the communities I frequent do this, and I just wonder why. If both communities did it, it would likely increase the user base of both, wouldn't it?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm just loving on lemmy lately, and wish it were easier to quickly find related communities.


It really should be proper fedi-etiquette for a community owner to seek out and link to similar communities in the side bar. Not sure why they don’t do that either.

I put links to related communities in the side bar on all the communities I mod.

Hold up now… wtf is quantum foam??

Okay, so, basically, you know how like, 99.9999% of everything is empty vacuum? Like, the vast, vast majority of space is just empty nothingness? Quantum foam says that that's not exactly the case, and that constantly particles and anti particles are being created and destroying each other. So instead of empty nothingness, you have this sort of cosmic, bubbling, boiling foam of creation and annihilation.

Or, at least, I think. I'm no rocket surgeon.