Looking for a (US) site that you filter on places to live based on various variables

poprocks@beehaw.org to AskBeehaw@beehaw.org – 18 points –

Someone linked a site once (on Reddit) and I didn't bookmark either the post or the site :( but it was great - you used a sliding scale if I remember correctly for how much sun, wind, rain, snow, etc. close to ocean, mountains, etc. and it grayed out states and areas within a state to show you the remaining cities/areas that meet your requirements. Does this sound familiar to anyone? TIA!


For a second i was gonna say "Zillow?" until i read your description. Now I want to see this tool too!

Edit: After some time poking around r/internetisbeautiful, i found this one that is not quite the same but meets the same need? https://www.whereshouldilive.co/

Haven’t seen it, at least not more detailed than COL comparison. Would be a very useful tool, and hardly a heavy lift. Strikes me as some census data, and a (complex, but still) SELECT… WHERE;

Similar things have crossed my mind to build.