Biggest 196 Rule

Paige (she/her) to – 44 points –

We surpassed in terms of subscribers making us, as far as I know, the biggest, currently active 196 by number of subscribers (not counting 19684).


196 balkanisation era 😔

it's kind of frustrating, I was hoping that the old mods would just pick one site (even if it wasn't the best) and endorse it so that things wouldn't split, now we have the three Lemmies, the Raddle, the Tumblr tag, r/19684, the Discord, and there was one other that I forgot the name of that started with an S.

What are the three lemmies? I count this one and moretankie196 ( 🤮) but idk of the other one

Also there are three tumblr tags (#196, #r196, #r/196) so it’s even worse lmao

there’s also the 195 which used to be called 196 but renamed in honor of this one

numbers continue to go up (inflation) on a community with a higher-than-average number of furries - is this the fabled furry inflation?

it is simply a rule of the societal growth formulated by the scientists a long time ago - for more information look up furry rule 34

It's all based on the principle of continual communal volocity. Look up hardcore lesbian BDSM porn for more information

to find out more about this increased growth of 196, google 196 inflation

Fascinatingly, doing this on Google Images gives you one Fur Affinity post and a bunch of random graphs and economics stuff.

Furries love their fetish art, but the one thing they like even more is a thicc juicy graph 😍

I don't know what raddle is and I refuse to learn. I chose this 196 I'm staying on lemmy now fuck it.

There are cool things on Raddle. I check both, but mostly this one.

I don't doubt it, I just think the unfed experience has been great so far and want to try and not split the community too much. Although raddle does look pretty decent, I really am digging lemmy so far.