NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL A RULE to – 235 points –

Me when I realize in therapy that this weird anecdote about my family was actually a link in a long chain of generational trauma. ๐Ÿฅฒ

".. That reminds me of this funny story about the time when..."

therapist not laughing, but takes notes

Literally my entire personality is just trying not to relieve childhood trauma.

Zero judgements from me, but if nobody has ever told you, that's a PTSD symptom (ask me how I know ๐Ÿ˜ฉ). Just wanted to affirm that it's real and not a personality flaw if nobody has ever told you before. If you have access to therapy it's definitely a topic worth exploring with a good therapist that you trust.

Thanks, therapy isn't really an option for me but overall I'm pretty well adjusted because of it outside of a couple of areas so it's not TOO bad.

Understandable, it took something like 20 years for the stars to align for me to both have access to therapy and find a good therapist. Glad to hear you're otherwise doing well!

In my family, we call that "childhood trauma"

I think my family called it "I'll give you something to cry about"

::: spoiler trauma dumping

  • "man up"
  • "quit being a pussy"
  • "you really want something to cry about?"
  • "go get me the board of education" (the board was a paddle with slots cut into it)
  • "i didn't bring you into this world but i sure will take you out of it"
  • "your own mother didn't give a damn about you, what makes you think i do?"

that last one hurt a whole lot more than the board :::

Oh my GOD! that's horrible! I'm so sorry. Those last two are just awful. I could never say that to mine.

Definitely unlocked some memories involving the word >!pansy!<

It looks like there's too much going on for your spoiler.

looks like thereโ€™s too much going on

That's what my psychologist said lol sorry! This post was extremely topical and uhhh yeah. I'm good today ๐Ÿ˜…

The funny thing is, the p***y thing is what cracked my egg. I was talking about a time I got bullied, which got derailed to some issues at home, and that word came up a lot and from there it was a big "oh shit" moment a couple days later when the information finally processed lol

The spoiler didn't render properly for me in Memmy, but on the website it worked. Weird. I'll report it ty! Blahaj Zone Logo

I'm glad to hear you're doing better! Are you saying that "oh shit" moment happened a couple days after talking to the psychologist? That honestly sounds better than my realizing while laughing at egg_irl ๐Ÿ˜… Self-diagnosed by memes twice now!

Pretty much lol I was cleaning and having a bad day, rummaging deep in my brain and realised that much of my childhood was being called a p***y and soft even though i always fought back. I picked up one of my partner's skirts and put it on my lap out of curiosity and that euphoria washed over me and yeah. I put it on and took it for a spin (lol) and aaaaaa """", blahaj, trumpet

That last part actually sounds kind of sweet. Definitely not the first part. My realization cause a lot of anxiety and still it's difficult to try new things because of it, even though I accept it.

Other people have real trauma, but I was sad as a kid so now my brain has decided we cant have anything nice anymore

It's all relative. You don't have to compare your issues with anyone else's or else there'd only be one person who had it worst that would be allowed to feel bad. Sometimes it's because of internal struggles that make things difficult and you don't realize til later. I only relatively recent realized I had been depressed a good chunk of my life, and likely due to having undiagnosed adhd literally making everything feel harder for me.