Live updates: Trump Fulton County case and televised hearing to politics – 82 points –
Live updates: Trump Fulton County case and televised hearing

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"The only conspiracy is trying to elect Donald Trump. Nearly half the country voted to elect Donal Trump. Are they all part of the conspiracy?" -Summary of statement made by one of the defendant's lawywers

God, that is such a pathetic defense.

Did we really expect better from the guy who doesn't pay his lawyers?

Nearly half of voters*

Half the country doesn't vote.

And to answer your question, no, most of them are not part of a criminal conspiracy. Most of them are oblivious bumblefucks who constantly ingest Fox propaganda telling them BLM == bad.

Edit: oh I didn't realize you were quoting someone else at first.

Yeah, This was a really weak argument to be made. The charges aren't about a conspiracy to elect Trump. They're about trying to convince the secretary of state to break his oath of office, intimidating poll workers, breaking into election offices and equipment, and more. It's such an asinine argument I'm kind of floored that the judge allowed it to stand. I guess the standards are lower at this sort of pretrial hearing?

"Are you saying our victims are co-conspirators?"

Saying something that stupid in court as an attorney should result in being immediately disbarred.

Frankly, I am tired of pretending that anyone who still supports Trump at this point is too stupid and/or evil to ever be allowed to be part of representative government again.

So, there's a conspiracy doing who knows what to achieve their goals? Nice admission..