Are there any AppImage stores or gui frontends to search and manage app images?
I've been searching and searching and haven't found much at all. I'm wondering if there's an AppImage desktop store or manager or whatever you wanna call it? Specifically for Fedora, but I dont think that matters with app images. I downloaded the NX Linux app image store, so I'll tinker with that for a bit. Please let me know if there are options out there
Gear Lever:
I love that there is a flatpak to manage appimages. I didn't see it on their github, but surely they offer an appimage right? Such that it could bootstrap/update itself? Otherwise thats pretty ironic.
P.s. I'm cool with both flatpak and appimages, only poking fun.
Does Gear Lever download appimages as well?
Or is it just a manager for manually downloaded appimages?
Only manage local installations, no automatic updates
Perfect, thanks
Awaiting answers for the same question!