How To Delete All Reddit Posts to Lemmy.World – 14 points –
How To Delete All Reddit Posts

I can highly recommend to delete all your Reddit Posts/Comments with the Browser Add-on Reddit Enhancement Suite.


I liked Power Delete Suite for Reddit in the article, and used it to export a backup. Filed a GDPR request too.

There have been some reports that Reddit is restoring deleted comments, so it's recommended that people overwrite their comments instead of deleting them.

I rewrote and deleted them, but I'm going to hold off on deleting the account for that reason and check back.

Pardon my ignorance/laziness but I assume an archive exists? There is a wealth of knowledge there.

Please don't do this.
You can't achieve anything by being reckless & self-centred (Like how old are you, you can't process your trauma) all that will accomplish is more censorship on the internet aka more Repression/Suppression/Regression/Chaos/Divide/Disorder those are all variables that bring the worst out of people.

While they may lose content creators, the data can be used to build upon in the future for index/reference purposes.

Leaving your data on Reddit gives money to Reddit. Delete everything, scorched earth policy.

It's NOT about selfishness! It's about privacy, your rights on your own words and data capitalism.