How to inject IM estradiol? to – 14 points –

I want to inject into my thigh but how do I find the thigh mussel? And not just inject into fat.


Here is the video I use for instructions! Using your hands as the guide to find the right spot is very useful.

Also the appropriate needle length will vary from individual to individual, but IM uses needles 1/2" and longer, 1" being a pretty length size I feel. You just insert the needle until it is entirely in. Good luck! It's very chill once you have the hang of it

Huh, so I guess I've been doing it wrong for a year or so? My numbers are always fine, but I go on the top of the thigh instead of the side and I basically ram the needle as hard as I can because otherwise I'll whimp out and only get it halfway in there. And I'm using 1.5" needles, which look bananas scary.

Okay when I pinch is supposed to be harder than the rest, does that mean I got the mussel right?

I think the pinch is just to raise a bump to inject in, because it hurts less when you do that. For me, it doesn't feel much firmer than the rest of my leg, so I think as long as you are pinching the right spot, you should be good even if it doesn't feel like you are grabbing a muscle per se

Update! I figured it out, I ended up needing to be walked through by a trans fem on matrix but I'm good now