How Talking With Animals Would Change Our World to – 28 points –
How Talking With Animals Would Change Our World

Bird: "I don't know man, shit's fucked"

Jeff Bezos: "Damn, you right. Pollution going down tonight!"

Wouldn't birds* mostly be like: "Get the fsck out of my forest you mofos, unless you're female and willing, then come here and bend over!"

( * and many other animals, but mostly birds)

Yes, this is very exciting, and AI that's being used for a valuable research.

I wanna be able to talk with cats, raccoons, possums, and (worship) octopuses

Maybe we should pump the brakes a bit, mr Deep

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Given where we are with LLMs, it actually feels like AI would make communication with animals very feasible.

I'm going to go look for an update on DeepSqueak...

How talking with animals would change our world … by someone who has real expertise in this subject here to tell you what’s what. Not a topic to be discussed over joints and whiskey, nope this is a serious topic that only Mr Expert On The Sociology of Interspecies Chitchat is qualified to talk about.

Don't we need a validator of some sort? To teach the ai when it's doing something right? I wonder how you train an AI on something you can't do yourself.

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I thought about ai talking to animals and i think at first level we will be limited to read behavior, mood, emotion but we will still miss their identity and potentially dreams, deeper opinions.

Note: i didnt watch the vid, would prefer to read an article about it.