Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Striplocked

Rapidcreek@reddthat.com to World News@beehaw.org – 30 points –
Few Good Options as Israel Weighs a Ground Assault on the Gaza Strip

It's not inevitable, you could stop apartheid.

You think that Israel should ignore that a thousand of their citizens were slaughtered?

I wonder what could have provoked an attack like. Perhaps decades of oppressive occupation. Constantly escalating violence isn't going to fix this. But Israel is the side that can choose to end it by ending apartheid. All the imprisoned can do to improve their situation is try to fight out of it.

This is one of those justification posts. To which I always respond that there is no justification for the various atrocities committed by Hamas. To which you respond with something about Israeli oppression. To which I respond that it still doesn't justify the vile and nasty nature of Hamas action and if your moral compass says it does I feel sorry for you. Then I slowly get bored with your inane ideology. Good. So that's it.

So you agree that both sides are doing terrible things and there are no good guys in this situation? Just innocents caught in the middle.

They've killed almost 1000 in Gaza now. Are you suggesting hamas shouldn't ignore that? When does it end.

It is war. It ends when one side gives up or is destroyed.

Either side giving up will be genocide. Or destroyed, which is again genocide.

So essentially your idea of resolution is genocide.

Not my idea. Name a war that ended differently.

WW2. We didn't slaughter everyone in Germany.

WWII ended with one side surrendering. There was quite a lot of slaughter before that happened.

Right but if one side surrenders here they'll lose their land and be destroyed. They aren't similar.

If hamas get Israel the Jewish population is fucked. Look at what's happening now when they crossed the border. That wasn't war it was slaughter of civilians.

If Israel get Gaza the Palestinian population is fucked. Look at the westbank. That is isn't war either.

It's not the same as any war. It's 100 years of religious / racial conflict.

The only end is an agreement or genocide. And 100 years have shown an agreement is unlikely.

They came over the border a killed 1000 civilians. In retaliation Israel has killed 1000 civilians in air strikes. It's not war. It's slaughter.

Both the Israeli government and Hamas are wrong and bad. The Israeli people and Palestinians are both indigenous to the land they share, and both have the right to live there. The median age of Palestine is under 20, the people many people in this thread are justifying the genocide of are majority children, because their parents have been killed by the Israel government in an apartheid state. The solution Netanyahu will take will be genocide of Palestinian people, when Hamas is to blame.

not committing war crimes, apartheid, and genocide is a good option

So, they should accept the massacre and feel bad about themselves?

they shouldn't respond to an attack by killing innocent civilians also they've been brutally dehumanitizing and terrorising Palestinians in Gaza for years

The deliberate targeting of civilians is horrible. But it’s well documented that hamas uses people as meat shields, by using civilian buildings as ammo depots and rocket launching platforms. That’s, unfortunately, a fair target then…

gaza is literally a small territory surrounded by water and israel where do you think people would be that aren't targets for missles that level entire city blocks?

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Israel definitely could have avoided this, and not fuck up the whole situation so much, but it’s not a simple matter… and self defense is a simple matter… if someone shoots at you, you kill them. That’s what happens when you take a gun. If you massacre a bunch of civilians, then people are going to shoot at you and your accomplices with passion

but then doesn't that mean palestinians have a right to self defence?

Military targets yes, if there is a missile launcher or ammo in an israeli building, yes it is a valid target. You have to right to kill anyone who’s actively trying kill you.

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Gotta say that bringing up 300,000+ troops in 72 hours is very impressive.

I guess they just have huge numbers available also due to the fact that almost all women and men are in the military service and hence reservists