rule to – 320 points –

Just as a friendly tip, if Taco Bell is making you shit your pants, you might not be getting enough fiber in your diet and the beans are just doing their good good work.

taco bell has some of the healthiest n quality food on the fastfood chain market afaik

ive been told this many times from people that probably know more about this stuff than i, tho ive never researched it myself so i could be wrong.

I could see that being true if one stuck to the bean burritos and similar and avoided the cheese, meat, sour cream tubes and the fry bread knock offs

nah all the meat cheese and all that used to be really shitty then there was legal issues then they kinda quietly fixed it completely and is kinda the top of the fastfood quality chain

is the story ive heard

just a link coroborbating what im saying but its def not a source if you want to read about it yourself

i also didnt read the link but the title said what i was thinking

IDK man no other food makes me have to shit immediately the way Taco Bell does.

i think its the fiber

fiber is so hard to get in your diet normally sans beans in my dieting experience

not that i dont eat beans but i didnt account for fiber in my diet and im super set in my routines i gotta add beans in tbh but theyre quite high carb i think so idk