Android Go - Notifications missing to – 18 points –

My daughter has a low specced Android Go phone, just for Whatsapp, Signal and txting. She likes it as it's also quite small compared to most other smartphones.

I don't mind it's not fast, but I've noticed that notifications for Signal & Whatsapp are not coming through after being idle for some time.

I've disabled battery saver for these apps, but after a couple of hours, notifications are not coming through again. What else could I change?


Be on the lookout for a setting named something like adaptive connectivity. These devices often turn off the network link when idle.

Thanks. Couldn't find such setting. Also, that doesn't explain why I can open Eg Chrome, but the notifications still don't come in, until I open WhatsApp / signal


check "standby apps" settings for these apps within developer settings. you may want to change it to "active".

Thanks, I had a look and it's set to exempted for both signal and WhatsApp. It's greyed out so can't change it to active. I can change other apps though.