PSA - I Created a New Community for Sobriety. If You Have Any Addiction You Want to Quit, Join Us, All Are Welcome! to – 201 points –

I have struggled with my alcoholism for some time and finally was able to get sober. I'd like to pay it forward and decided to start /c/sobriety for ANY drug/alcohol addiction for those currently or afflicted in the past and ready to nurture and guide newcomers to sober living.

If that's you, please join and help me to grow a wonderful place in the fediverse for sober living. Thank you for the consideration and I look forward to seeing you in our community ;)


Just so you know, you've created a community not an instance.

In any case, this is pretty cool. Hope people can achieve their sobreity and find some help in your community.

Haha, thanks. Still getting versed in the new ways of the fediverse, was mistakenly thinking that subs were considered instances. I appreciate the heads up 👍

Good luck!

There are two other popular sobriety communities, but I don't know of any that are as broad as yours.

Ah, interesting. I searched using the keyword drinking and alcohol as well and those didn't come up. Don't know why. But, yeah, I wanted a much broader community than just drinking seeing how other addictions fall by the wayside frequently. I think we'll be able to carve ourselves a nice little niche for those who need it.

I'm ready to lurks, thanks

Glad to have you! I hope that it's a good source of help for you 😇

I'm addicted to Lemmy, so IDK if this will help

I can finally start dealing with my internet addiction!


I'm coming up on 2 years of no alcohol. I know a lot of people have trouble quitting, but I was lucky and able to quit cold turkey and not miss it. Just got fed up with coming to work hungover/intoxicated every day and drinking before bed. Also lost like 60 pounds just from that so it's been a great change. Good luck to everyone going through it

I'm addicted to many things...