[Awesome WM] My First Customisation

myxi@feddit.nl to Unixporn@lemmy.ml – 100 points –

I tried AwesomeWM two days ago, and after two days of hard work understanding the API reference, I came up with this. More screenshots are below.


I wish I could upvote you twice; once for the picture and once for choosing to use “customization”.

I used to be in love with Awesome but I think it's been more than 10 years since I used it last. I remember the software being wonderful and the people in the people in the community being stereotypical, smug, "rtfm" types.. That was more frustrating than anything else about Awesome.

I experienced this too. That's why I stopped asking them anything after my first query (why my keybindings were not working when defined in another file) and relied on guess work. I also found the community kind of dead, so you don't actually get the answers quicker than the guess work will get you there.

looks stunning

What code font do you use ? Also please share your font rendering

I use JetBrains Mono font. I am not sure what you meant by font rendering, so if you're interested, you can check my dotfiles.

After 2 days of hard work understanding the API reference

Everyone that's ever used AwesomeWM felt that. I felt that too.

I had to look through the source code of their widgets (like wibox.widget.textclock, awful.titlebar.widget.maximizedbutton) they use in their default config file to have a grasp of what's happening. Looking through others' dotfiles was more pain because it's not supposed to be looked upon by the beginners, so they cram all they know in a few lines and leave you guessing.

Yeah. I found it quite painful, having to go through and find all I needed. The hardest part for me was underlines. I wanted my focused workspace to be underlined. It was very difficult tp figure out and the solution is ultimately a hack, but it works.

Question: do you like the text min/max/close buttons over colored circles or icons?

Yes, I like text more than visual icons. More proof is given by the fact that I used words like cpu, mem, net over the thousands of icons I could've used instead, considering that the font I am using is a Nerd Font patched one.