Almond Milk [Rule] to – 232 points –

I'm now starting to believe that images like these are the reason plant-based milk alternatives aren't allowed to be called milk in Germany

It clearly has nothing to do with the dairy lobby pushing hard everywhere to prevent people from switching to ecologically and humanely better alternative because they don't want to lose the fat subsidies they get from the government.

They try to push these legislations under the guise that it could induce the consumer in error, my ass.

Let's blame fun cartoons instead.

Let's not forget the cost with their lives the cows have to bear for us to get milk.

Forcefully impregnated, their babies taken away to be slaughtered as veal or to become milk cows. And all that for a fraction of their lifespan only to be slaughtered when their milk production starts to decline...

At least sometimes there is a bit of push back:

I appreciate the passion, my comment was still just a joke though.

That being said, I saw oat milk yesterday at the same price as cow milk. In other words, not even the financial incentive is left for me to buy cow milk.

Hey thanks for the precision. The frustration was not directed at you directly, moreso at the argument I thought you were making, I apologize for that. I have just heard this fallacious argument so many time in real life used seriously that I react strongly to it.

Oh, I understand that. So many industries pull all kinds of bs to look better than they have any business to, it really is infuriating.

NGL spy milk is fire in coffee

I still (currently) prefer milk (lactose free (specifically dairy gold fit)) in my tea though

Spy milk just has the wrong texture for tea IMO

Edit: Meant soy but it got autocorrected to spy. I'm going to leave it as it's too funny to not.

Spy milk sounds like what Bond girls are left with at the hotel room

Or maybe just because they aren't actually milk

I guess words can't be used in different context, especially when the plant-based alternatives are drop-in replacement for animal milks and the term has been used for hundreds of year to describe both plant-based milky substances and animal secretions.


Milk of the poppy, milk thistle, milk of magnesia...

it's almost like the word means a white liquid, of which mammalian breast milk is one type.

hardly any calves become veal at all. it's a slim percentage.

The dairy industry can have a little cruelty to calves, as a treat.

no on is ok with cruelty

If you buy the products, you're complicit. Sounds like people are pretty okay with it to me.

i buy petroleum products. i disagree with most of the aspects of their procurement, distribution, and use. if i stop buying them, none of that changes.

Petroleum production decreases as we implement alternatives. Are you really going to tell me this isn't the case? 🤣

ETA: You know, for someone named commie, you're spouting a lot of neoliberal nonsense. "Ah, no sense trying to change anything even if we don't agree with it."

“Ah, no sense trying to change anything even if we don’t agree with it.”

that's not what i'm saying. i'm saying being vegan isn't an effective way to change anything.

journey of a thousand miles, etc.

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i'm telling you there is no causal mechanism by which consumption dictates production.

You're really gonna tell me that meat production will be unchanged as more people have been adopting a plant-based diet. Good thing you don't run Tyson, they've been having to close meat processing plants due to decreased demand.

You’re really gonna tell me that meat production will be unchanged as more people have been adopting a plant-based diet.

meat production continues to GROW even as MORE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ADOPTING A PLANT-BASED DIET.

Correlation != causation. Left unchecked, production will inevitably see some increase due to WHAT?! Increased population. However, anticipated growth hasn't met expectations. Gee, almost like there's a reason...

After that, I wonder how much production would decrease if we stopped giving animal agriculture their multi-billion dollar shot in the arm every year from the USDA versus the few million that plant alternatives gets. Wonder what would happen if we reversed that...

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What's with the candy corn? 🌽

Candy corn is a brood parasite who plants its young in almond nests to leech off of their resources and be raised as one of their own.

because the candy corn grows quicker than almonds, it will instinctively push the almondlings out of the nest leaving them to starve, thereby culling the competition to its parasitic consumption of unknowing mother's milk