rule to – 243 points –

They're dating

They are actually, I drew this in class one day about me and my bf bcs I was bored (I'm the one on the right)

i wish i knew how minecraft actually functioned, but i can barely even make a 2x2 flush piston door and literally had to look up how big the spawn chunk radius is today. the most complicated thing i've ever done is probably copying the ianxofour stacking raid farm tutorial (and i still have no idea how it works)

What mappings you using?

call me insane but, in vanilla, I just turn off auto-jump and that's it.

Oh, I meant to ask about obfuscation mappings used when decompiling Minecraft, as in Mojang mappings or Yarn. But now that I've read bit deeper into that, I realised that they (or at least any that aren't Mojmaps) are tools created primarily to aid in modding the game, rather than just casually peeking into its internals. And I've only ever modded the game, hence why I didn't know better, haha.

Someone tell me I'm making sense...

both yarn and mcp predate mojmap so you're not as wrong.

also yarn is a lot more legally "safe" compared to mojmap which is one of the reasons why it's still a thing some people prefer, but again this entire thing is a major gray area anyhow so some people mod with mojmap and hope Mojang isn't planning on shutting them down anytime soon