Google Play deleted my negative review of the official Reddit app I wrote during the API shitstorm to – 106 points –

Apparently a review calling out dishonest practises, and the fact that the app is shit and only exists to collect your data, is not relevant.

I wonder what took them so long.


I agree with them. Your review sounds like, "This restaurant's food is terrible because the owner hit my car in the parking lot."

Yeah... They didn't remove an app review, they removed a rant.

Yep, going to echo the others, this isn’t a review, it’s a rant and should be removed. If you had pointed out specific areas the app lacks compared to 3rd party apps then you may have been fine, but this is pretty useless as a review

Just reword it some to say why it's a bad experience it is and that they should allow 3rd party apps back.

This isn't a review of the app and should absolutely be removed

Agree with the others. Also try not using the word "Killing" on a platform famous for using automated moderation almost exclusively. The word is fine in the context you are using, but it will probably trigger a few mod bots.

My review is still up. "Crappy app, give back API access to third party apps."

This is frustrating because there are literally five star spam reviews being posted every day and I feel like they're not being taken down?