How many lemmings does it take to change a light bulb?locked to Ask – -16 points –

See image for example.


At the current moment, 5. One to ask the question, three to make various comments, and one to count everyone.

Not a thought provoking question. Locking.

Where did you get this pic? So random, is it StableDiffusion?

I'm using Bing Create which in turn uses DALLĀ·E 3

Very cool! Can I send you something once in a blue moon if I have a funny idea and see what you can get it to do?

500 because the first 499 are busy posting extremist left wing propaganda.

I thought I was pretty left til I started browsing Lemmy and watching all the pro-Russia communists arguing with the pro-China communists arguing with the anti-Russia and anti-China communists...

Many people's political compass is really out of whack, so that they think that supporting Bernie Sanders makes you far left.

I'm not really sure that supporting Russia or China makes you a leftist, though, because those are right-wing dictatorships.