How do I use my xbox one wireless receiver on my deck? to Steam – 19 points –

This is the receiver I have:

And this is the controller I have:

If I try to connect the controller using bluetooth my deck can see the controller but can't establish a connection. Is there an addon I can install so that I can use the usb receiver I currently have?


Iirc, you need the xone-dkms and xone-dongle-firmware packages

Found this while searching how to do so. Copy/pasting here for future reference once that site goes up in flames.

I assembled a rerunnable bash script based on the original post and a few comments in this thread that can be used to install or update xone. I ran it after updating to SteamOS 3.4.2 earlier today and my controllers are working like a charm with the wireless dongle. Here it is in a public gist on GitHub (will try to update this in the future if changes are needed to keep it working!):

Install or update xone driver for Steam Deck desktop shortcut and bash script

Like others have mentioned, make sure you set a password via the passwd command and unplug the wireless dongle before running.

Save the .sh file anywhere on your Deck in Desktop mode. Make sure it has executable permissions (Right-click it -> Properties -> Permissions -> Check "Is Executable"). To run it: Right-click it, and select "Run In Konsole". The xone repo will be cloned to "/home/deck/repos/xone" by default, but you can change that near the top of the script to a different location if you prefer.