It only takes half the double hits it used to take! to – 109 points –

Tears of the Kingdom developers:

I just started seeing silver bokoblins seemingly everywhere today and I can't help but feel knocked down a peg. Link just wants to take the easy road for once, jeez.

Wait till you fight a Lionel. Theyre even worse than in BotW. And yes, there are silver ones.

I am steeling up my nerves for it and maybe building some battlebots.

I had this problem with Cyberpunk and eventually just stopped playing. Every time I’d get a cool new weapon and want to go beat up on some street fighting scrubs only to get my ass kicked.

I prefer difficulty scaling where it’s somewhat linked to areas. Kind of like Diablo 2. So if I’m leveled up and beat Act V I can go back and tear through Andariel runs if I want, but Act V still has some challenging areas. I don’t think the entire world needs to scale as you progress.

but on the other hand if you get more powerful and the world around you doesn't the game gets progressively easier and is the hardest at the start, which is a huge hurdle and after that boring

Or alternatively you don't increase you demagw, instead leveling up in non-combat skills, which in turn scales up your enemies which in turn makes combat harder. (Oblivion, Skyrim)