Messed up my fonts to – 62 points –

Hey all. I'm using arch linux and after trying to fix my fonts to get nicer icons etc. in the terminal i've made a mess ๐Ÿ˜” Any ideas on how to uninstall all the fonts and start fresh?


Looks like an encoding problem, not a font problem. Make sure your terminal is configured to use the UTF-8 encoding.

"You'รร never yay again."
Sorry that all I can do is let the air out a bit op. Hopefully someone will swoop in to teach us both something before too long.

Most terminal programs come with a profile option, can you try making a new one and see if that resets your settings for you?

I don't have time currently to look for a detailed solution, but assuming you installed using:

fc-cache -f -v

I would start by looking for how to revert that command.

My terminal is urxvt. Ill get another look tomorrow. My browser seems to work fine.

Well I had another go tonight. Uninstalled almost every font. At one point my browser didnt have any fonts. Reinstalled a load of fonts but still my terminal looked a total mess. I then installed Kitty and all my fonts and icons are looking good... So its a urxvt issue. Ill dig about a bit mire when I get some tine.