Unsealed Jeffrey Epstein documents released

kescusay@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 166 points –
Unsealed Jeffrey Epstein documents released | CNN Business

404 media has a downloadable zip file, but I found that even though it SAID it extracted 81 documents, the folder only contained 40 or so PDFs.



Mostly a list of unredacted legal documents, emails, and transcripts.

Closest thing I can find to a "List" so far are documents 10 (requested depositions), 15 (emails), and 17 (privelege list). 39 is another email list.

Still looking though, like I say, 81 documents...

Edit 2 Document 28 is the Bill Clinton document, but the context is in how they failed in their due dilligence to get his deposition. There is no information that Clinton did anything wrong, in fact, quite the opposite.

"On one occasion, she adds, Epstein did invite two young brunettes to dinner which he gave on his Caribbean island for Mr. Clinton shortly after he left office. But as far as she knows, the ex-President did not take the bait. ‘I’d have been about 17 at the time,’ she says. ‘I flew to the Caribbean with Jeffrey and then Ghislaine Maxwell went to pick up Bill in a huge black helicopter that Jeffrey bought her. She’d always wanted to fly and Jeffrey paid for her to take lessons, and I remember she was very excited because she got her license around the first year we met. I used to get frightened flying with her but Bill had the Secret Service with him and I remember him talking about what a good job she did. I only met Bill twice but Jeffrey told me they were good friends.’

‘We all dined together that night. Jeffrey was at the head of the table. Bill was at his left. I sat across from him. Emmy Taylor, Ghislaine’s blonde British assistant, sat at my right. Ghislaine was at Bill’s left and at the left of Ghislaine there were two olive-skinned brunettes who’d flown in with us from New York. I’d never met them before. I’d say they were no older than 17, very innocent-looking. They weren’t there for me. They weren’t there for Jeffrey or Ghislaine because I was there to have sex with Jeffrey on the trip. Maybe Jeffrey thought they would entertain Bill, but I saw no evidence that he was interested in them. He and Jeffrey and Ghislaine seemed to have a very good relationship. Bill was very funny. He made me laugh a few times. And he and Jeffrey and Ghislaine told blokey jokes and the brunettes listened politely and giggled. After dinner I gave Jeffrey an erotic massage. I don’t remember seeing Bill again on the trip but I assume Ghislaine flew him back.”


Huh - it SAID it extracted 81 files... but there were only 40 pdfs in the folder.

Back to my original comment - the "EpsteinDocs.zip" file has a _MACOSX folder that contains some kind of metadata dupes of the PDFs themselves. Probably where you're getting the 2x count from.

There has to be a better source than 404 media, no?

Edit: Ah I see, had to pay a public records fee for them. $35.

What's wrong with 404 media? I've been impressed with them so far.

For this kind of stuff, I prefer primary sources. But their point about records requests being horseshit is believable because I've had to file FOIAs and local records requests before and understand the requirements.