This is odd: Why has all Oasis music disappeared from streaming music services in Canada? | Alan Cross to – 7 points –
This is odd: Why has all Oasis music disappeared from streaming music services in Canada? | Alan Cross

Buy music as much as you can


How many of you in Canada have actually checked to see if their music on your streaming service was really there in the first place? Could be that you all thought you saw Oasis but it was just a mirage.

Buy music as much as you can

No thanks, if it's not streaming it's sailing

Killing the industry any% run

As we all know, it's the artists that make the money from album sales - oh no hold on

They make more of a bought record than a year of streams, if they are a small band.

Piracy if fucked up if you like a band.

Streaming already is designed to reward the most successful bands.

Which part of the music industry doesn't reward the most successful bands the most? They are, after all, the most successful.

What I think you're trying to say is that they don't reward the less successful bands enough and likely over reward the successful ones.

Funny I've known a few musicians who say they don't care about piracy, as they don't make much, of anything, from album sales and most of their income comes from merch and gigs. Gigs that nobody would be at if nobody knew about the band, and piracy allowed shit tonnes of new people to hear the music, become fans, and go on to see them live.