So I've just been banned from

User to – 4 points –

I've just found out that I've been banned from I have not received any notification about it, but I just so happen to check if the fediverse is working correctly and I noticed that under my user profile viewed from, it says "banned".

I suspect the reason is likely because I've been criticizing extremist ideologies like Marxism-Leninism and Nazism and they couldn't take the criticism.

Has anyone else been banned by instances? Did you feel the ban justified or not?

Edit: It seem like I've made a joke about gun violence that the admins thought went too far. I guess we can't joke nowadays... 🤷‍♂️


Quite a nice thing about Lemmy is modlogs are public:

Sure seems it wasn’t anti-extremism but maybe that awful joke about school violence that go him banned but I’m just spitballing here.