Meet Graham Rule to – 107 points –

You might not like it, but this is what the ideal male body looks like.

Instead of a rear spoiler, young men should aspire to this body type instead.

Ok I was prepared to start white-knighting here and tell you to fuck off for making fun of a disabled person but then I thought I'd search this up first and...well, carry on.

You made me realize that I don't think I've seen this happen since coming to Lemmy last June. It was a real problem on reddit.

I like that he squirts out liquid from those extra nipple things and can apparently leap like a gazel but has no neck. I want an army of these dudes to just wreck cars and leapfrog away dripping and screaming while running into more shit because they can't look around

Are you damage resistant because you aldready look like you have suffered max damage .