How we BEAT the Limitations that defined the N64s Artstyle to – 62 points –
How we BEAT the Limitations that defined the N64s Artstyle

I am not going to watch the video. But in the thumbnail, I prefer the 1996 version.

That's just nostalgia glasses imo

I just watched the video and people would have gone nuts over the improved graphics in 1996. The other commenter is right that the thumbnail doesn't do it justice

Thanks. I followed your suggestion and watched the video. It is indeed a great improvement. Too bad the youtuber made a poor thumbnail.

Do they compare other games beyond Super Mario 64? Because just looking at a launch game won't tell you what the console can do

The video was just about SM64. I haven't seen the video creator before so I'm not sure if he does other games.

Some of it was a bit over my head but I think he implemented a 3d driver (?) that came later in n64's development which allowed for more polygons and stuff.

Either way, it was in no way an admonishment of the console! He's a fan demonstrating what the console was capable of, not dunking on how SM64 could have been better