Legitimacy of 'customer' in Supreme Court gay rights case raises ethical and legal flags

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 176 points –
Legitimacy of 'customer' in Supreme Court gay rights case raises ethical and legal flags

Why it's so problematic

A Christian graphic artist who the Supreme Court said can refuse to make wedding websites for gay couples pointed during her lawsuit to a request from a man named “Stewart” and his husband-to-be. The twist? Stewart says it never happened.

The revelation has raised questions about how Lorie Smith’s case was allowed to proceed all the way to the nation’s highest court with such an apparent misrepresentation and whether the state of Colorado, which lost the case last week, has any legal recourse.

One other detail another article mentions here,

Smith’s lawyer, Kristen Waggoner, said at a Friday news conference that the wedding request naming Stewart was submitted through Smith’s website and denied it was fabricated.

She suggested it could have been a troll making the request, something that’s happened with other clients she has represented. In 2018, her client, Colorado baker Jack Phillips, won a partial U.S. Supreme Court victory after refusing to make a gay couple’s wedding cake, citing his Christian faith.

I'll bet this attorney submitted the troll requests after being retained by these homophobic clients

The “graphic designer” and I use that term lightly. Preemptively filed a lawsuit against Colorado in 2016 and then the very next day she received this “request” and that’s all that she based it on?

That’s all any of this is based on? That’s absolutely insane. That means anyone could make up any scenario and with enough work get it seen by the Supreme Court.


Only if you're a far right crazy, because the court loves to suck up to the insane. The court has basically lost all legitimate.

What I feel it does is get as much supreme court precedent in place while the right still have a stacked deck. Who knows how long it would take for this situation to happen organically?

But as we learned just over a year ago, decades of precedent mean nothing to the Supreme Court. Decisions made 50 years ago can be overturned just because.

This and the student loan ruling are basically the SCOTUS saying "Standing? Fuck standing!"