Private lander makes first US moon landing in more than 50 years, but signal weak to – 131 points –
Private lander makes first US moon landing in more than 50 years, but signal weak

The tension was palpable at mission control just watching on the livestream. A lot of relief when they had some signal and are waiting for the largest satellite in Australia to be able to reach it better, last I heard on the stream.

Watching their faces and trying to figure out what was going on was a lot of fun. Glad to hear they made contact and I hope it’s not on its side.

It isn't! I don't remember which article it was, cbs I think (I'll edit the comment when I find it)

But a detailed assessment of the health of the spacecraft and its payloads awaited analysis of telemetry. Finally, two hours after touchdown, the company reported that "after troubleshooting communications, flight controllers have confirmed Odysseus is upright and starting to send data. Right now, we are working to downlink the first images from the lunar surface."

Hell yeah! I kept looking around for news about it but it was just summaries of what happened. Thanks for letting me know!

So glad to hear they landed, especially after the failed mission last month.