Why do negative posts about lgbtq get so many downvotes?

auckify@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – -36 points –

Because basic human decency isn't dead yet?

I asked why do beehaw mods have their pronouns in their names I don't care what their pronouns are and i got 30 downvotes.

You realize the downvotes came from your comments and not the post itself right?

You made the shittiest attack helicopter joke I've seen in a while

Also it literally goes against this community rules and the instance as a whole, wonder why you are still allowed to post.

Go join truth social or some other alt right fork instead of waisting everyone's time

Yet you come in here and admit that it was intended as a negative post. Surprise! people picked up on that

I know, why didn't the beehaw mods consult you before they decided their names?! How selfish of them!

All the major lemmy instances are heavily lgbtq friendly, and a big part of lemmy's userbase is pro lgbtq

Interestingly, the more independent, self-sufficent, and inclusive sort of people that oppose major corporate ownership and control tend to be liberal in nature.

Hate content is against the rules of the instance you're using, so you're also getting reported. Don't use other people's things if you're not going to respect them.

because it has been discovered that some recently energized section of the population would like, at the VERY LEAST, for lgbtq people to be legislated out-of-visibility in our society.

they have very similar ideas about all kinds of people, based partly on who they believe IS and IS NOT "their kind" , and based partly on dubiously translated words from a 2000+ year old haphazard collection of middle-eastern writings which they believe should ultimately dictate the lives of modern americans.

you were downvoted so aggressively because either.. 1- you know this and just want to kick the hornets nest or 2-you are one of those people and others do not like the idea of their lives being dictated by arbitrary, antiquated ideas or people who follow them.

good luck tuffy... im sure, someday you will smash the injustices wrought upon you by people using pronouns and trying to make a safe space for themselves on the internet.

Because many people here disagree with your view point, that is why people downvote you.

LGBTQ community are productive members of the society. For example, a good proportion of the researcher I met are LGBTQ (between 1/10 to 1/5). They are spending their life to advance science for human kind and finding a way to guide our future.

Hence the LGBTQ community deserve to feel free, safe, and accepted to the society that they contribute so much too. I know that might bring changes to your life that you are not used to, but that the point of progress. We as people and as a society are constantly bettering ourselves, and that means sometimes we need to change our old ways together to build a more inclusive and productive society.