In NYC, companies will have to prove their AI hiring software isn't sexist or racist to – 165 points –
In NYC, companies will have to prove their AI hiring software isn't sexist or racist

AI-infused hiring programs have drawn scrutiny, most notably over whether they end up exhibiting biases based on the data they’re trained on.


Every algorithm in the world is suddenly "AI" now

It's like 10-15 years ago suddenly all the companies were claiming they used big data. Unfortunately it's just buzz words to entice investors or lazy reporting.

The so-called AI parses your resume looking for keywords that match the job description. They anonymize and provide a summary. I don't think there is much room for bias. Maybe if you use crappie software that doesn't make the summary anonymous.

BTW write your resume for the algorithm not the manager.

AI resume screeners are very much at risk of bias. There have been stories about exactly this in years past. The ML models need to be trained, so they get fed resumes of candidates that were hired and not hired so the model can learn to differentiate the two and make decisions on new resumes in the future. That training, though, takes any bias that went into previous decisions and brings it forward.

From the Amazon I linked above, the model was prioritizing white men over women and people of color. When you think back to how these models were trained, though, that's exactly what you'd expect to happen. No one was intentionally introducing bias to the AI process, but software teams have historically been very male and white, and when referrals and references come into play, those demographics were further emphasized. And then let's not pretend that none of those recruiters or hiring managers were bringing their own bias to the table.

If you feed that into your model as it's training data, of course the model is going to continue to favor white men, not because it's actually looking for men, but because resumes that men typically submit are the kinds that get hired. Then they found that resumes that mention a professional women's organization or historically black or women only colleges were typically not hired. The model isn't "thinking" about why that is - it just knows that when certain traits exist, the resume is ranked lower, so it replicates that.

Building a truly unbiased AI system is actually incredibly difficult, not the least due to the fact that the demographics of the data scientists working on these systems are themselves predominantly male and white themselves. We've also seen this issue in the past with other AI systems, including facial recognition systems, where these systems built by teams of white men can't seem to make reliable determinations when looking at a picture of a black woman (with accuracy rates 20-30% lower for black woman compared to white men).

We’ll the problem with that is you’d have to prove your hiring requirements aren’t exclusionary. Which isn’t going to happen until people start to examine their biasses on a societal level. The problem with AI isn’t that it’s biased. The problem is that both the dataset and the task given are biased. Which will always result in a biased system

It’s also not clear how the law will be enforced or to what extent.

No shit. Isn't that the point? Use outrage to justify the growth of an impenetrable body of law addressing all social and economic behavior, then selectively enforce subjective interpretations to satisfy powerful groups and remain in power. So it goes for any population center whose rapid growth creates the illusion of independence.

Can we sell NYC to Canada yet? We'd make a bundle, they wouldn't even be mad, and I'd sleep a lot better with the border of a superpower between me and a stack of nine million people who think privacy is a sin.

Well, when AI takes over everything, at least it won't be racist, unlike current police force.

It will disrespect and threaten all of us equally bad.

Isn't the whole point of AI decision making to provide plausible deniability for these sort of things?

Yes, but if you train an AI on racist/sexist data, it will naturally do the same.

Depends how the law is applied...

Kinda like if a self driving car kills someone, who is liable, driver, manufacturer, seller?

I guess you pay insurance and they take on liability is another option.