Capcom is looking to bring back Onimusha and Mega Man to – 41 points –
Capcom is looking to bring back Onimusha and Mega Man

As Resident Evil and Street Fighter flourish, Capcom has said sequels to more obscure franchises could happen, including Sengoku Basara.


Megaman has been done so dirty for too long. What the heck, Capcom?

I mean, Megaman 11 wasn't that far away.

Also Megaman maker is excellent even though it's a fan project. Very active community and practically infinite levels if you're into that.

Bought Megman 11 recently during a humble bundle. Thoroughly enjoyed it and can't believe I didn't pick it up sooner

Unfortunately, I think you can probably take Onimusha off the list. The remaster of the first game didn't sell well and they cancelled remasters of 2 and 3 because of it.

Unless Ghost of Tsushima and Yakuza Ishin have given them more confidence in the theme to do a RE2/3/4-style remake, I think the franchise is likely to stay in the same awful niche as Dino Crisis where the audience is definitely there but ignored.

I would love to see a modern version of Onimusha with Sekiro-style deflect combat

I figured that some form of Mega Man has been in various games, spin-offs, and compilations released every few months for the past 35 years.

If Capcom is bringing Mega Man "back", when was Mega Man gone?