its an invasion to Lefty – -7 points –

The right wouldn’t recognize bots if they rolled right up to them and told them who to vote for.

They'll dismiss progressives and leftists as "Russian bots" while continuing to marginalize people and support genocidal regimes.

And then they'll gaslight us into thinking it's our fault for not voting for whatever steaming pile of excrement they put up for election.

Actually, that's not fair. I've never seen a steaming pile of excrement commit genocide or imprison immigrants, so we'd actually be better off with a literal steaming pile of shit in the White House.

Will you feel just as smug about your moral high ground if you don't vote and Trump wins and makes all that and much more worse?

It's a fucked system, but it's the one we have right now. Not voting for the lesser of two evils means you're ok with the even worse guy winning.

Right? These libs are insane. One of them tried to tell me Dr. West was a fascist and a worse choice then Biden 🤣🤣🤣

The hell gets into these fuckers brains.