Carbon monoxide alarms turned off before Evergreen State student death

Chloyster [she/her] to U.S. – 49 points –
Evergreen State staff turned off carbon monoxide alarms before student's death

Extremely tragic. Carbon monoxide is no joke y'all. This could have been avoided :(


So, for more than 12 hours, with carbon monoxide alarms going off repeatedly, the only option not taken under advisement was checking to see if they were working?

Or, possibly, this isn’t the first ”false” alarm they’ve ignored, just the one that lasted long enough that they disabled the alarms and someone finally died from exposure. This might have been a small leak that grew into a large leak.

If you read the article, they had just installed a new water heater and did the ventilation wrong. There were also a few instances through the course of the day where the detectors were triggered and handled. There was a lot of negligence from the vendor that installed the ventilation and especially the maintenance that did not consider the recent work that had been done and assumed that all the detectors were suddenly faulty at the same time.

Looks like I wasn’t that far off…

Could’ve been spot on with a little reading!

I was applying Hanlan’s Razor: never attribute to malice what can be easily explained by incompetence.

Multiple alarms going off simultaneously can't be a false positive. I hope there's penalty for silencing alarms and letting resident come back.

I guess no one called a fire marshal or the place would have been immediately closed down.