did you know: the smallest specie of frog is called "pumpkin toadlet"(its a frog trust me). It is so small that it cant adjust itself mid-jump. This is because their semicircular ear canals is so small that it cant understand where the ground is and where to turn to not crash head-first into a rock. Their bones also glow
I wanna be F R O G
Roll a d20 to determine if you're friend or food...
What a polite frog
Frorg :)
did you know: the smallest specie of frog is called "pumpkin toadlet"(its a frog trust me). It is so small that it cant adjust itself mid-jump. This is because their semicircular ear canals is so small that it cant understand where the ground is and where to turn to not crash head-first into a rock. Their bones also glow
I wanna be F R O G
Roll a d20 to determine if you're friend or food...