Announcing my departure from moderation to – 7 points –

For personal reasons, I am going to quit using Lemmy. I have two communities under me, I would appreciate it if someone wants to take over:


Announcing my departure from moderation?

since you're quitting Lemmy entirely? I'd ask why but I'm sure that's probably a little too personal. If it's related to the moderation of those subs, it may make sense to disclose that, though. 🫡

Lots of stuff happening in real life. Resurgence of childhood trauma, progressive medical issue, bad financial position, unemployment, political environment. Losing my sanity, started subscribing to unpleasant thoughts. Thank you for your concern, but I'm probably better off if I stop using any social media.

Totally understand! Social media and the constant flow of information in our feeds can be so detrimental to our mental health. If you do consider coming back, RSS feeds may be better for you. They allow you to control your sources, how frequently you see content, and you can even filter things easily. It's just like any normal feed on any website, but you can add different websites and sources to it and it just gives you way more control over your level of consumption online. Here's a good article about how RSS feeds help with our mental health if you're curious. Always put your health before all else, and wishing you all the best!

I'm currently not that active on lemmy. But I'm Indian and the community seems decent and I would like to help out, if no else has already volunteered.

Though, I'm mostly a mobile/Jerboa user. Would it need special apps?

Most apps do support moderation out of the box. So far, Thunder has the most features, but the performance is not good. Jerboa and Eternity are similar. So you don't have to worry about that. I'll be pinging, and

I've added most moderation features to jerboa now.

Thank you. Wouldn't I have to make an account on