Are we doing anything to prevent becoming Voat? to – -21 points –

cross-posted from:

Weird racist posts from dank memes keeps showing up in my feed. Are we doing anything to prevent becoming Voat 2.0? We're really concerned about Threads and that's a big unknown. Weird racists already destroyed the last Reddit escape are we concerned about that? Like are we going to make a policy of defederating hate groups?

I'm pretty confident this community is using fake accounts since every post starts at ~20 and then gets down voted after it's been forced into a bunch of people's feed.

If not that's fine I guess but does anyone have a suggestion for somewhere that will?


This has nothing to do with jerboa. This kind of post should go on your instance's meta community. Only the owner of the instance of your account can defederate from other instances.

Sounds like you might just want to look into a more curated home server.

I maintain my own lemmy server, so I get to select which communities show up in my feed and which don't, and since it's my own server, I can filter and curate my feed for myself (which so far has not been much work at all).

I can confidently say that I haven't had any racist or other undesirable memes flooding my home page.

Cross posted my reply too:

Of all the people that migrated from reddit to voat, quite a lot were from the banned subs like fatpeoplehate. That means the userbase is naturally more toxic.

Of all the people that migrated to lemmy, there isn’t the same bias. I don’t think we need to worry that much.

OP has a two day old account, they have no comments and 2 posts. Both posts are this one. Smells like a troll.