[KDE] Linux Vista ultimate (TM)

pewpew@feddit.it to Unixporn@lemmy.ml – 70 points –

Not gonna lie, I loved the vista design language. It was just using way too many resources for the devices of that time.

I, too, miss when everything looked like frosted glass. I used to mess around with putting things behind the gaussian blur when I was bored.

KDE Plasma 5.27 running on Kubuntu 23.04 on my very low end laptop (I use Ubuntu btw). WM: Kwin Window decoration: https://github.com/paulmcauley/klassy (Klassy) Plasma theme & app. theme: Oxygen Icons: Vulpinity

Its beautiful. How did you get that scissor icon (guess its a screenshot tool?) and whatsapp in your systray?

It's the clipboard icon from the Oxygen Plasma theme (all of the icons in the tray are)

On my KDE Desktop (OpenSuse) the Clipboard icon looks like this. The WhatsApp Icon opens a Browser with Whatsapp?

Your clipboard icon looks like that because you are using the default plasma theme. Also, the Whatsapp icon opens an app which is actually just a browser

I know it's just "disk" in Spanish, but still: 🕺🪩🕺

It's Italian actually

With the info on your screenshot it could be several romance languages. I just chose Spanish because that's my second mother tongue and because it's the option with the most speakers worldwide (therefore highest chance of guessing correctly).

It's an abomination, but I like that you are free to make it!