Why Ron DeSantis is Talking About an Immigrant “Invasion” - The Florida governor is promoting a crank and dangerous theory about states having their own border control policies.

gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 66 points –
Why Ron DeSantis is Talking About an Immigrant "Invasion" | Washington Monthly

Maybe it’s that giant migrant caravan that kept heading our way from Mexico every 2 years during election cycles. Fox “News” would show video and claim they were coming to cross the border to steal your jobs, molest your kids, and kick your dogs. After the elections, the caravan mysteriously disappeared.

Seriously, I saw it again last year for the third time, and I wondered, “How many times are Republicans gonna fall for this?!”

Seriously, I saw it again last year for the third time, and I wondered, “How many times are Republicans gonna fall for this?!”

It's very easy for a lot of people to fall for the most obvious lies in the world when they want those lies to be true

Conservative interest in the invasion clause fell off during the Trump administration, then revived after Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Shocking. They’ll say anything to win an election and then there’ll be nothing but crickets afterwards.

"Invasion" rhetoric inspired the El Paso shooter. People who call refugees invaders do so because they like racist violence.

The dude who kept trying to illegally human traffic people across the united states out of Florida is also the same dude trying to stir people up about border control.

This is a complicated topic that I think most don’t consider. They’re not exactly lying. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/11/09/whats-happening-at-the-u-s-mexico-border-in-7-charts/ The fact is, more people are coming, not caravans though. Be prepared for more because Climate refugees are going to strain resources in those areas. At some point in the future, we’re going to have decide where the limit to our compassion is. America’s track record is not great.

Immigrants coming to the country to request asylum is in no way an invasion by any literal usage of the term. Further, no state is in "imminent Danger as will not admit of delay." DeSantis is just playing this up to drum up support of racists. Frankly, I wish people in the USA would realize that this nation was built on immigration. Every person in this country who is not 100% Native American is descended from immigrants and I'd wager that includes every single person in that town hall.

I agree with everything you’ve said. I’m trying to raise concerns about climate change and the refugees that will follow. I want open borders, but that may not be feasible in the near future.